Too much crafting. I can't seem to focus on one project for very long.
A little project featuring words from OUR SONG, inspired by THIS. |
Easter. I tried to straighten C's hair only to discover a million cowlicks on the top of her head. Hence the crazy hair. It reminds me very much of this guy.
Time with family. My sister in law is in town (hooray!) and has brought her two kids along. Little J is only a couple of months younger than C and watching them together is like overdosing on cuteness. Cousin B is three years older but she is a champ at tolerating C's need to hug and annoy her. Loving it.
Spring cleaning. My list is too long. Like, literally a couple hundred things to do. I'm chipping away at it slowly, but I keep getting distracted by all of the crafts I'd rather do (see above).
Playdates. Lately whenever I tell C we are going to get in the car she instantly asks me for Jenny and June. I love it.
Thrifting. As long as I'm dropping off stuff at Goodwill from spring cleaning, I might as well take a peek at what they have, right?
Brand new baby Minnetonkas for $2! I. Die. |
Growing. Our little garden is thriving. My Early Girl tomato bush already has 8 to 10 little green tomatoes on it, and the beans, corn, zucchini and okra are looking great too!
Trying to entertain a certain fussy toddler who, as it turns out, is cutting four teeth at the same time. I would be fussy too.